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Turning Paper Forms into Secure Electric Forms

iPracticeForms recognize the need to go paperless in an office while still maintaining HIPPA compliance and safety regulations. We take your forms, encrypt them using a military grade 256 bit encryption to help protect you and your patients.

It’s simple: Your paper forms, encrypted and online.

Any paper form your practice uses, can be 100% customized, encrypted and ready for your patients to use.

Company Profile

Supported Devices

Your forms on iPad, Android, Windows Mobile, PC, Mac OSX and your own website.

Paperless Office

All paper forms converted to online forms.

Encrypted & Secure

Military Grade 256-bit Encryption that is HIPPA approved

Form Generator

Your Forms 100% customized. You can add logos, images change colors and fonts etc.

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Your FormsOur Form GeneratorSecure Online Forms


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